Bioacoustics Research Lab
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Department of Bioengineering
Department of Statistics | Coordinated Science Laboratory | Beckman Institute | Food Science and Human Nutrition | Division of Nutritional Sciences | College of Engineering
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Page 312 out of 330

Title Ultrasound in neurologic diagnosis.
Author Oldendorf WH.
Journal IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
Year 1964
Abstract Ultrasound echoing using a pulse transmitted transversely across the head can determine quickly and safely the symmetry of position of the brain within the cranial cavity. A brief pulse at about 2 Mc is transmitted into the head, and the reflections from the walls of the third ventricle and the septum pellucidum are picked up by the transducer which serves alternately as transmitter and receiver. Although most of the incident energy is reflected by skull, a sufficient portion of the pulse enters the head to be detected after reflection by smooth internal discontinuities properly oriented to reflect the pulse back to the transducer. Positioning of the transducer is highly critical and requires some practice. The lateral displacement of the third ventricle and spetum pellucidum generally is a sensitive indicator of an increase of volume of the contents of one half of the cranial cavity relative to the other. These structures lie within the opening in the falx cerebri through which brain tissue must herniate when displaced from one compartment to the other. The technique is totally atraumatic and in most cases easily performed.

Title Ultrasound in neurology.
Author Fry WJ.
Journal Neurology
Year 1956
Abstract No abstract available.

Title Ultrasound in obstetrics.
Author Campbell S.
Journal Br J Hosp Med
Year 1972
Abstract No abstract available.

Title Ultrasound in ophthalmological diagnosis.
Author Purnell EW.
Journal Diagn Ultrasound
Year 1966
Abstract No abstract available.

Title Ultrasound in the diagnosis of abdominal and pelvic conditions.
Author Barnett E, Morley P.
Journal Br J Hosp Med
Year 1972
Abstract No abstract available.

Title Ultrasound in the diagnosis of maxillary and frontal sinusitis.
Author Revonta M.
Journal Acta Otolaryngol
Year 1980
Abstract No abstract available.

Title Ultrasound in the diagnosis of twins and hydramnios.
Author Sunden B.
Journal J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw
Year 1965
Abstract No abstract available.

Title Ultrasound in the evaluation of solid breast masses.
Author Harper AP, Kelly-Fry E, Noe JS, Bies JR, Jackson VP.
Journal Radiology
Year 1983
Abstract Ultrasound image characteristics and radiographic features of 31 benign and 41 malignant breast masses were cross-tabulated and analyzed to determine the ultrasound image characteristics most useful for diagnosis and the frequency with which some imaging features occurred. The most common malignant mass (the ductal carcinoma) exhibited a jagged wall (88%), homogeneous internal echoes (12%), nonhomogeneous internal echoes (70%), internal echoes not discernible due to attenuation effects (18%), and attenuation shadowing (97%). In contrast, the fibroadenoma (the most common benign mass in this study), exhibited smooth walls (94%), homogeneous internal echoes (89%), and no demonstrable posterior shadowing (67%).

Title Ultrasound in the evaluation of solid breast masses.
Author Harper AP, Kelly-Fry E.
Journal Radiology
Year 1983
Abstract Ultrasound image characteristics and radiographic features of 31 benign and 41 malignant breast masses were cross-tabulated and analyzed to determine the ultrasound image characteristics most useful for diagnosis and the frequency with which some imaging features occurred. The most common malignant mass (the ductal carcinoma) exhibited a jagged wall (88%), homogeneous internal echoes (12%), nonhomogeneous internal echoes (70%), internal echoes not discernible due to attenuation effects (18%), and attenuation shadowing (97%). In contrast, the fibroadenoma (the most common benign mass in this study), exhibited smooth walls (94%), homogeneous internal echoes (89%), and no demonstrable posterior shadowing (67%).

Title Ultrasound in the investigation of space-occupying lesions of the urinary tract.
Author Barnett E, Morley P.
Journal Br J Radiol
Year 1971
Abstract In recent years increasing interest has developed in the use of diagnostic ultrasound in the investigation of lesions of the urinary tract. (Damascelli, Lattuada, Musumeci and Severini, 1968; Holmes, Wright, Meyer, Posatony and Howry, 1965; Holmes, 1966; 1967; Ostrum, Goldberg and Isard, 1967; Howry, 1965; Goldberg, Ostrum and Isard, 1968; West, 1967; Leopold, 1970; Schreck and Holmes, 1970). The present paper records our experience with diagnostic ultrasound in the investigation of the urinary tract with particular reference to space-occupying lesions.

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