BRL Publications (2010 - 2019)Selected Bioacoustics Research Lab publications from 1980 through the present are available in pdf format. If the full pdf of a publication is available, the title will be linked. Updated: June 18, 2018 Browse publications by decade: 1947 - 1949 | 1950 - 1959 | 1960 - 1969 | 1970 - 1979 | 1980 - 1989 | 1990 - 1999 | 2000 - 2009 | 2010 - 2019 | 2020 - 2029 On this page, jump to a specific year: 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2019 A. Agarwal, J. Reeg, A.S. Podkowa and M. L. Oelze. Improving spatial resolution using incoherent subtraction of receive beams having different apodizations. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control,66: 5-17, 2019. S. Chen, B. L. McFarlin, B. T. Meagher, T. A. Peters, D. G. Simpson, W. D. O'Brien,Jr, and A. Han. A Phantom-based Assessment of Repeatability and Reproducibility of Transvaginal Quantitative Ultrasound. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 66, 1413-1421, 2019. A.L. Coila and M.L. Oelze. Effects of nonlinearities on ultrasonic backscatter coefficient. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,146: 85-94, 2019. A. Han, A. S. Boehringer ,Y. N. Zhang, V. Montes, M. P. Andre, J. W. Erdman, Jr., R. Loomba, C. B. Sirlin, and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Improved Assessment of Hepatic Steatosis in Humans Using Multi-Parametric Quantitative Ultrasound. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium,pp 1-4, 2019. A. Han, Y. N. Zhang, A. S. Boehringer, M. P. Andre, J. W. Erdman,Jr., R. Loomba, Jr, C. B. Sirlin, and W. D. O'Brien. Inter-platform Reproducibility of Quantitative Ultrasound Biomarkers Attenuation and Backscatter Coefficients Assessed in Adults with Known or Suspected Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. European Radiology, 29, 4699-4708, 2019. G. Kim, V.M. Lau, A.J. Halmes, M.L. Oelze, J.S. Moore, and K.C. Li. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound-Induced Activation of Mechanochromism in Network Elastomers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,116(21): 10214-10222, 2019. R. J. Miller, A. Han, J. W. Erdman Jr, M. A. Wallig, and W. D. O'Brien Jr. Quantitative Ultrasound and the Pancreas: Demonstration of Early Detection Capability. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 38, 2093-2102, 2019. T.N. Nguyen, M.N. Do, and M.L. Oelze. Visualization of the intensity field of a focused ultrasound (FUS) source in situ. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,38: 124-133, 2019. T.N. Nguyen, A. Podkowa, E. Arnold, R.J. Miller, M.N. Do, and M.L. Oelze. Characterizing fatty liver in vivo in rabbits using quantitative ultrasound. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology,45:2049-2062, 2019. Y. Park and D. G. Simpson. Robust probabilistic classification applicable to irregularly sampled functional data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , Vol. 131, pp. 37-49, 2019. J. L. Rowles, A. Han, R. J. Miller, J. R. Kelly, C. C. Applegate, M. A. Wallig, W. D. O'Brien Jr, and J. W. Erdman Jr. Low fat but not soy protein isolate was an effective intervention to reduce nonalcoholic fatty liver disease progression in C57BL/6J mice: monitored by a novel quantitative ultrasound (QUS) method. Nutrition Research, 63, 95-105, 2019. 2018 Adam C. Luchies and Michael L. Oelze Effects of the Container on Structure Function with Impedance Map Analysis of Dense Scattering Media. J Acoust Soc A., 143:4, 2172-2181, 2018. Anthony S. Podkowa, Michael L. Oelze, and Jeffrey A. Ketterling. High-Frame-Rate Doppler Ultrasound Using a Repeated Transmit Sequence. Appl Sci, 8:227, 1-16, 2018. A. Han. A Method for Stereological Determination of the Structure Function from Histological Sections of Isotropic Scattering Media. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 65:6, 1007-1016, 2018. A. Han, M.P. Andre, L. Deiraniah, E. Housman, J.W. Erdman, Jr., R. Loomba, C.B. Sirlin, and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Repeatability and Reproducibility of Ultrasonic Attenuation Coefficient and Backscatter Coefficient Measures in Adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine,37,1913-1927, 2018. A. Han, Y. Labyed, E.Z. Sy, A. S. Boehringer, M.P. Andre, J.W. Erdman, R. Loomba, C.B. Sirlin, and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Inter-sonographer Reproducibility of Quantitative Ultrasound Outcomes and Shear Wave Speed Measured in the Right Lobe of the Liver in Adults with Known or Suspected Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. European Radiology, 28, 4992-5000,2018 R. J. Miller, A. Han, J. W. Erdman Jr., M. A. Wallig, and W. D. O'Brien Jr. Quantitative Ultrasound and the Pancreas: Demonstration of Early Detection Capability. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. On-line December,2018. P. Muleki-Seya, A. Han, M.P. Andre, J.W. Erdman, and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Analysis of Two Quantitative Ultrasound Approaches. Ultrasonic Imaging, 40, 84-96, 2018.
T. Nguyen, M. Do , and M.L.Oelze. Sensitivity analysis of reference-free quantitative ultrasound tissue classification. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Kobe, Japan, 2018. T. Nguyen, A. Tam, and M.L.Oelze. In situ calibration to account for transmission losses in backscatter coefficient estimation. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium , Kobe, Japan, 2018. William D. O'Brien, Jr. Floyd Dunn and His Contributions. Acoust Today, 14:1, 35-41, 2018.2017 Olivia C. Coiado and William D. O'Brien, Jr. The Negative Chronotropic Effect in Rat Heart Stimulated by Ultrasonic Pulses. J Ultrasound Med, 36, 799-808, 2017. Ariana G. Bravo Cruz, Aiguo Han, Edward J. Roy, Arielle B. Guzman, Rita J. Miller, Elizabeth A. Driskell, William D. O'Brien, Jr. and Joanna L. Shisler Deletion of the K1L Gene Results in a Vaccinia Virus That Is Less Pathogetnic Due to Muted Innate Immune Responses, Yet Still Elicits Protective Immunity. J Virol, 91:15, 1-21, 2017. Alexandre Dizeux, Thomas Payen, Delphine Le Guillou-Buffello, Eva Comperat, Jean-Luc Gennisson, Mickael Tanter, Michael Oelze and S. Lori Bridal In Vivo Multiparametric Ultrasound Imaging of Structural and Functional Tumor Modifications During Therapy. Ultrasound Biol Med, 43:9, 2000-2012, 2017. Suyun Ham, Homin Song, Michael L. Oelze and John S. Popovics A Contactless Ultrasonic Surface Wave Approach to Characterize Distributed Cracking Damage in Concrete. Ultrasonics, 75, 46-57, 2017. Aiguo Han, Michael P. Andre, John W. Erdman, Jr., Rohit Loomba, Claude B. Sirlin, and William D. O'Brien, Jr. Repeatability and Reproducibility of a Clinically Based QUS Phantom Study and Methodologies. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 64:1, 218-231, 2017. Mary Dawn Koenig, Barbara L. McFarlin, Alan D. Steffen, Lisa Tussing-Humphreys, Carmen Giurgescu, Christopher G. Engeland, Michelle A. Kominiarek, William D. O'Brien, Jr. and Rosemary White-Traut Decreased Nutrient Intake is Associated with Premature Cervical Remodeling. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 46, 123-134, 2017. R.J. Miller, A. Han, L.T. Gates-Tanzer, J.W. Erdman, Jr., J.A. Shisler, M.A. Wallig and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Quantitative Ultrasound and the Pancreas: Demonstration of Early Detection Capability. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1-4, 2017. P. Muleki-Seya, A. Han, M.P. Andre, J.W. Erdman and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Comparison of Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters for Fat Content Liver Detection and Monitoring. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1-4, 2017. Jeremy S. Paige, Gregory S. Bernstein, Elhamy Heba, Eduardo A. C. Costa, Marilia Fereirra, Tanya Wolfson, Anthony C. Gamst, Mark A. Valasek, Grace Y. Lin, Aiguo Han, John W. Erdman, Jr., William D. O'Brien, Jr., Michael P. Andre, Rohit Loomba and Claude B. Sirlin A Pilot Comparative Study of Quantitative Ultrasound, Conventional Ultrasound, and MRI for Predicting Histology-Determined Steatosis Grade in Adult Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. American Journal of Roentgenology, 208, W1-W10[web], 2017. Y. Zhu, A. Han, W.D. O'Brien, Jr.,, M.L. Oelze and M.F. Insana Limitations on Estimation of Effective Scatterer Diameters. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142, 3677-3690, 2017. 2016 Goutam Ghoshal, Jeremy P. Kemmerer, Chandra Karunakaran, Rita J. Miller and Michael L. Oelze Quantitative Ultrasound for Monitoring High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment In Vivo. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 139:4, 1234-1242, 2016. Aiguo Han and William D. O'Brien, Jr. Structure Function Estimated From Histological Tissue Sections. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 63:9, 1296-1305, 2016. Mert Hidayetoglu, Chunxia Yang, Lang Wang, Anthony Podkowa, Michael Oelze, Wen-Mei Hwu and Weng Cho Chew Parallel Solutions of Inverse Multiple Scattering Problems with Born-Type Fast Solvers. Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 916-920, 2016.
THESIS. Luchies, Adam. Using Two-dimensional Impedance Maps to Study Acoustic Properties of Tissue Microstructure. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016. Adam C. Luchies and Michael L. Oelze Using Two-Dimensional Impedance Maps to Study Weak Scattering in Sparse Random Media. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139:4, 1557-1564, 2016. Nils Mannicke, Martin Schone, Jukka Liukkonen, Dominik Fachet, Satu Inkinen, Markus K. Malo, Michael L. Oelze, Juha Toyras, Jukka S. Jurvelin, and Kay Raum Species-Independent Modeling of High-Frequency Ultrasound Backscatter in Hyaline Cartilage. Ultrasound in Med. Biol., 42:6, 1375-1384, 2016. Michael L. Oelze and Jonathan Mamou Review of Quantitative Ultrasound: Envelope Statistics and Backscatter Coefficient Imaging and Contributions to Diagnostic Ultrasound. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 63:2, 336-351, 2016. Maurice M. Pasternak, Ali Sadeghi-Naini, Shawn M. Ranieri, Anoja Giles, Michael L. Oelze, Michael C. Kolios and Gregory J. Czarnota High-Frequency Ultrasound Detection of Cell Death: Spectral Differentiation of Different Forms of Cell Death in vitro. Onoscience, 3:9-10, 275-287, 2016. Anthony Podkowa, Rita J. Miller, Robert W. Motl, Raymond Fish and Michael L. Oelze Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Cervical Lymph Nodes in Rats with EAE: A Pilot Study. Ultrasound in Med & Biol, 42:12, 2957-2964, 2016. Andrew Singer, Michael Oelze and Anthony Podkowa Mbps Experimental Acoustic Through-Tissue Communications: MEAT-COMMS. Proc 2016 IEEE 17th Int Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2016. H. Wang, M. Gauthier, J. R. Kelly, R. J. Miller, M. Xu, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. and J. Cheng Targeted Ultrasound-Assisted Cancer-Selective Chemical Labeling and Subsequent Cancer Imaging via Click Chemistry. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55, 5452-5456, 2016. 2015 O. C. Coiado, E. B. Buiochi and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Ultrasound-induced Heart Rate Decrease: Role of the Vagus Nerve. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 62, 329-336, 2015. J. Garcia-Duitama, B. Chayer, A. Han, D. Garcia, M. L. Oelze and G. Cloutier. Experimental Application of Ultrafast Imaging to Spectral Tissue Characterization. Ultrasound in Med & Biol, 41:9, 2506-2519, 2015. M. Gauthier, Q. Yin, J.J. Cheng and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Design of Albumin-coated Microbubbles Loaded with Polylactide Nanoparticles. J Ultrasound Med, 34, 1363-1372, 2015. G. Ghoshal and M.L. Oelze. Enhancing Cell Kill In Vitro from Hyperthermia Through Pre-Sensitizing with Ultrasound-Stimulated Microbubbles. JASA (online 1 December 2015). A. Han and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Structure Function for High-concentration Biophantoms of Polydisperse Scatterer Sizes. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 62, 300-318, 2015. A. Han and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Structure Function: Theory, Ultrasonic Measurement, and Histology. IEEE Int Ultrason Symp Proc, 1-4, 2015. Jeremy P. Kemmerer, Michael L. Oelze and Miklos Gyongy. Scattering by Single Physically Large and Weak Scatterers in the Beam of a Single-Element Transducer. J Acoust Soc Am, 137:3, 1153-1163, 2015. Steven C. Lin, Elhamy Heba, Tanya Wolfson, Brandon Ang, Anthony Gamst, Aiguo Han, John W. Erdman, Jr., William D. O'Brien, Jr., Michael P. Andre, Claude B. Sirlin and Rohit Loomba. Noninvasive Diagnosis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Quantification of Liver Fat Using a New Quantitative Ultrasound Technique. Clin Gastro Hepatol, 13, 1337-1345, 2015. Barbara L. McFarlin, Jennifer Balash, Viksit Kumar, Timothy A. Bigelow, Xavier Pombar, Jacques S. Abramowicz and William D. O'Brien, Jr. Development of an Ultrasonic method to Detect Cervical Remodeling In Vivo in Full-Term Pregnant Women. Ultrasound in Med & Biol, 41:9, 2533-2539, 2015. B.L. McFarlin, V. Kumar, T.A. Bigelow, D.G. Simpson, R.C. White-Traut, J.S. Abramowicz and William D. O'Brien, Jr. Beyond Cervical Length: A Pilot Study of Ultrasonic Attenuation for Early Detection of Preterm Birth Risk. Ultrasound in Med & Biol, 41, 3023-3029, 2015. T. Nguyen and M.L. Oelze. Visualization of the Intensity Field of a High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Source In Situ. IEEE Int Ultrason Symp Proc, 1-4, 2015. William D. O'Brien, Jr. A Temporal View of Soft Tissue Quantitative Ultrasound. Physics Procedia, 70, 1127-1130, 2015. William D. O'Brien, Jr. and Floyd Dunn An Early History of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Physics Today, 68:10, 40-45, 2015. J. Reeg and M.L. Oelze. Improving Lateral Resolution in Ultrasonic Imaging by Utilizing Nulls in the Beam Pattern. IEEE Int Ultrason Symp Proc, 1-4, 2015. L. Sannachi, H. Tadayyon, A. Sadeghi-Naini, W. Tran, S. Gandhi, F. Wright, M. Oelze and G. Czarnota Non-Invasive Evaluation of Breast Cancer Response to Chemotherapy using Quantitative Ultrasonic Backscatter Parameters. Medical Image Analysis, 20, 224-236, 2015. B. W. Smith, R. J. Miller, K. R. Wilund, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. and J. W. Erdman, Jr. Effects of Tomato and Soy Germ on Lipid Bioaccumulation and Atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- Mice. J Food Sci, 80:8, H1918-H1925, 2015. B. W. Smith, D. G. Simpson, R. J. Miller, J. W. Erdman, Jr. and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Contrast Ultrasound Imaging Does Not Affect Heat Shock Protein 70 Expression in Cholesterol-Fed Rabbit Aorta. J Ultrasound Med, 34, 1209-1216, 2015. B. W. Smith, D. G. Simpson, S. Sarwate, R. J. Miller, J. W. Erdman, Jr. and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Contrast Ultrasound Imaging of the Aorta Does Not Affect Progression of Atherosclerosis or Cardiovascular Biomarkers in ApoE-/- Mice. J Ultrasound Med, 34, 1115-1122, 2015. L.A. Wirtzfeld, G. Ghoshal, I.M. Rosado-Mendez, K. Nam, Y. Park, A.D. Pawlicki, R.J. Miller, D.G. Simpson, J.A. Zagzebski, M.L. Oelze, T.J. Hall and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Quantitative Ultrasound Comparison of MAT and 4T1 Mammary Tumors in Mice and Rats Across Multiple Imaging Systems. J Ultrasound Med, 34, 1373-1383, 2015. 2014 M.P. Andre, A. Han, E. Heba, J. Hooker, R. Loomba, C.B. Sirlin, J.W. Erdman, Jr. and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Accurate Diagnosis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Human Participants via Quantitative Ultrasound. IEEE Int Ultrason Symp Proc, 2375-2377, 2014. O.C. Coiado and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. The Role of the Duty Factor in Ultrasound-mediated Cardiac Stimulation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136:3, 231-235, 2014. J. Garcia-Duitama, A. Han, B. Chayer, D. Garcia, M. L. Oelze, G. Cloutier. Experimental Validation of Plane Wave Imaging using k-space Beamforming for Spectral Characterization of Isotropic Media. IEEE Intl Ultrason Symp Proc, 2414-2417, 2014. G. Ghoshal, J. P. Kemmerer, C. Karunakaran, R. Abuhabsah, R. J. Miller, S. Sarwate, M. L. Oelze. Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging for Monitoring In Situ High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Exposure. Ultrasonic Imaging, 36:4, 239-255, 2014.
THESIS. Han, Aiguo. Ultrasonic Characterization of Cell Pellet Biophantoms and Tumors using Quantitative Ultrasound Models. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014. A. Han, J.W. Erdman, Jr., D.G. Simpson, M.P. Andre, W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Early Detection of Fatty Liver Disease in Mice via Quantitative Ultrasound. IEEE Int Ultrason Symp Proc, 2363-2366, 2014.
THESIS. Kemmerer, Jeremy P. Modeling of Weak Scatterers in a Transducer Beam. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014. J. P. Kemmerer, G. Ghoshal, M. L. Oelze. Quantitative Imaging of Temperature Elevations in Tissues Due to Thermal Therapies. IEEE Intl Ultrason Symp Proc, 2153-2156, 2014. J.D. Krehbiel, L.C. Schideman, D.A. King, J.B. Freund. Algal Cell Disruption using Microbubbles to Localize Ultrasonic Energy. Biosource Technology, 173, 448-451, 2014. X. Li, G. Ghoshal, R.J. Lavarello, M.L. Oelze. Exploring Potential Mechanisms Responsible for Observed Changes of Ultrasonic Backscattered Energy with Temperature Variations. Med Phys, 41, 052901, 2014. A. C. Luchies, M. L. Oelze. Backscatter Coefficient Estimation Using Tapers with Gaps. Ultrasonic Imaging, 1-18, 2014. D.A. King and W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Quantitative Analysis of Ultrasound Contrast Agent Postexcitation Collapse. IEEE Trans UFFC, 61, 1237-1241, 2014. N. Mannicke, M. Schone, M. Gottwald, F. Gobel, M.L. Oelze. 3-D High-Frequency Ultrasound Backscatter Analysis of Human Articular Cartilage. Ultrasound in Med & Biol, 40:1, 244-257, 2014. N. Mannicke, M. Schone, M.L. Oelze, K. Raum. Articular Cartilage Degeneration Classification by Means of High-Frequency Ultrasound. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 22, 1577-1582, 2014. M. L. Montero, O. Zenteno, B. Castaneda, M. Oelze, R. Lavarello. Evaluation of Classification Strategies using Quantitative Ultrasound Markers and a Thyroid Cancer Roden Model. IEEE Intl Ultrason Symp Proc, 1916-1919, 2014. T. Nguyen, M. Oelze, M. Do. Bistatic Passive Mapping of the Field Distribution of Single Element Transducer in Agar Phantom. IEEE Intl Ultrason Symp Proc, 2213-2216, 2014.
THESIS. Smith, Brendon W. Effects of Nutrition and Ultrasound Imaging on the Cardiovascular System. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014. O. Zenteno, A. Luchies, M. Oelze, R. Lavarello. Improving the Quality of Attenuation Imaging using Full Angular Spatial Compounding. IEEE Intl Ultrason Symp Proc, 2426-2429, 2014.2013 M. Gauthier, D.A. King, W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Influence of Microbubble Size on Postexcitation Collapse Thresholds for Single Ultrasound Contrast Agents Using Double Passive Cavitation Detection. IEEE Trans UFFC, 60:5, 877-879, 2013. M. Gauthier, D.A. King, W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Evaluation of the Temporal Stability of Definity using Double Passive Cavitation Detection. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 32, 1535-1537, 2013. M. Gauthier, Q. Yin, J.-J. Cheng, W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Production Approaches for Microbubbles Loaded with Nanoparticles. 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, 1521-1524, 2013. A. Han, R. Abuhabsah, R.J. Miller, S. Sarwate, W.D. O'Brien, Jr. The Measurement of Ultrasound Backscattering from Cell Pellett Biophantoms and Tumors ex vivo. JASA, 134:1, 686-693, 2013. C.P. Karunakaran, M.L. Oelze. Amplitude Modulated Chirp Excitation to Reduce Grating Lobes and Maintain Ultrasound Intensity at the Focus of an Array. Ultrasonics, 53, 1293-1303, 2013. J.P. Kemmerer, G. Ghoshal, C. Karunakaran, M.L. Oelze. Assessment of High-intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Rodent Mammary Tumors using Ultrasound Backscatter Coefficients. JASA, 134:2, 1559-1568, 2013. J.P. Kemmerer, G. Ghoshal, M.L. Oelze. Quantitative Ultrasound Assessment of Ultrasound Therapy in Rodent Mammary Tumors: In Vivo and Ex Vivo Results. 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, 1793-1796, 2013. G.K. Kulsharova, M.B. Lee, F. Cheng, M. Haque, H. Choi, K. Kim, W.D. O'Brien, Jr, G. Logan Liu. In Vitro and In Vivo Imaging of Peptide-Encapsulated Polymer Nanoparticles for Cancer Biomarker Activated Drug Delivery. IEEE Trans Biosci, 12:4, 304-310, 2013. R.J. Lavarello, W.R. Ridgway, S.S. Sarwate, M.L. Oelze. Characterization of Thyroid Cancer in Mouse Models using High-frequency Quantitative Ultrasound Techniques. Ultrasound in Med & Biol, 39:12, 2333-2341, 2013. F. Liao, W.D. O'Brien Jr., Y.-K. Jan. Assessing Complexity of Skin Blood Flow Oscillations in Response to Locally Applied Heating and Pressure in Rats: Implications for Pressure Ulcer Risk. Physica A, 2013. A.C. Luchies, M.L. Oelze. Modeling Volume Power Spectra for Collections of Spheres in a Finite Container. 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, 413-416, 2013. J. Mamou, A. Coron, E. Saegusa-Beecroft, M. Hata, M.L. Oelze, E. Yanagihara, T. Yamaguichi, P. Laugier, J. Machi, E.J. Feleppa. High-Frequency Quantitative Ultrasound Approaches for Cancer Detection in Freshly-Excised Lymph Nodes. Proc of Meetings on Acoustics, 19:075078, 1-3, 2013. J. Mamou, E. Saegusa-Beecroft, A. Coron, M.L. Oelze, T. Yamaguichi, M. Hata, E. Yanagihara, J. Machi, P. Laugier, E.J. Feleppa. Spatial-Resolution Optimization of 3D High-Frequency Quantitative Ultrasound Methods to Detect Metastatic Regions in Human Lymph Nodes. 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, 1216-1219, 2013. N. Mannicke, M. Schone, M. Gottwald, F. Gobel, M. Oelze, K. Raum. High-Frequency Backscatter Analysis of Human Articular Cartilage. 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, 1228-1231, 2013. A.D. Pawlicki, W.D. O'Brien, Jr., . Method for Estimating Total Attenuation from a Spatial Map of Attenuation Slope for Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging. Ultrasonic Imaging, 35:2, 162-172, 2013. E. Saegusa-Beecroft, J. Machi, J. Mamou, M. Hata, A. Coron, E.T. Yanagihara, T. Yamaguchi, M.L. Oelze, P. Laugier, E.J. Feleppa. Three-dimensional quantitative ultrasound for detecting lymph node metastases. J Surg Res, 183, 258-269, 2013. L. Sannachi, H. Tadayyon, A. Sadeghi-naini, O. Falou, Z. Jahedmotlagh, M.L. Oelze, G.J. Czarnota. Evaluation of Tumor Cell Death Response in Locally-Advanced Breast Cancer Patients to Chemotherapy Treatment by Scattering Property Estimates Using Ultrasound Backscatter. Proc of Meetings on Acoustics, 19:075087, 1-5, 2013. B.W. Smith, J.K. King, R.J. Miller, J.P. Blue, Jr., S. Sarwate, W.D. O'Brien, Jr., J. W. Erdman, Jr. Optimization of a Low Magnesium Cholesterol-Containing Diet for the Development of Atherosclerosis in Rabbits. J Food Res, 2:1, 168-178, 2013. T. Tran-Duc, N. Linh-Trung, M.L. Oelze, M.N. Do. Application of l1 Regularization for High-Quality Reconstruction of Ultrasound Tomography. IFMBE Proc, 40, 309-312, 2013. L.A. Wirtzfeld, K. Nam, Y. Labyed, G. Ghoshal, A. Haak, E. Sen-Gupta, Z. He, N.R. Hirtz, R.J. Miller, S. Sarwate, D.G. Simpson, J.A. Zagzebski, T.A. Bigelow, M.L. Oelze, T.J. Hall, W.D. O'Brien Jr. Techniques and Evaluation From a Cross-Platform Imaging Comparison of Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters in an In Vivo Rodent Fibroadenoma Model. IEEE TUFFC, 60:7, 1386-1400, 2013. O. Zentano, W. Ridgway, S. Sarwate, M.L. Oelze, R. Lavarello. Ultrasonic Attenuation Imaging in a Rodent Thyroid Cancer Model. 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, 88-91, 2013. 2012 C.K. Abbey, N.Q. Nguyen, W.D. O'Brien, Jr., M.F. Insana. An Ideal Observer Approach to Mechanical Limits in B-Mode Ultrasound Imaging. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, San Diego, CA USA, 28 August-1 September 2012, 2306-2309, 2012. M. J. Borrelli, W. D. O'Brien, Jr., L. J. Bernock, H. R. Williams, E. Hamilton, J. Wu, M. L. Oelze, W. C. Culp. Production of Uniformly Sized Serum Albumin and Dextrose Microbubbles. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 19, 198-208, 2012. M. J. Borrelli, W. D. O'Brien, Jr., E. Hamilton, M. L. Oelze, J. Wu, L.J. Bernock, S. Tung, H. Rokadia, W.C. Culp. Influences of Microbubble Diameter and Ultrasonic Parameters on In Vitro Sonothrombolysis Efficacy. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 23, 1677-1684, 2012. E.B. Buiochi, R.J. Miller, E. Hartman, F. Buiochi, R.A. Bassani, E.T. Costa, W.D. O'Brien Jr.. Transthoracic Cardiac Ultrasonic Stimulation Induces a Negative Chronotropic Effect. IEEE Trans UFFC, 59:12, 2655-2661, 2012.
THESIS. Campos Coiado, Olivia. Effect of High Power Ultrasound on the Heart: In Vitro and In Vivo Experiments. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidade Estadual De Campinas, 2012. O.C. Coiado, E.B. Buiochi, E.T. Costa, R.A. Bassani, W.D. O'Brien, Jr. Efeito Cronotropico Negativo Em Coracao De Ratos Apos A Aplicacao Do Ultrassom De Alta Potencia. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro em Engenharia Biomedica-XXIII CBEB, 2356-2359, 2012. A. Coron, J. Mamou, E. Saegusa-Beecroft, M.L. Oelze, T. Yamaguchi, M. Hata, J. Machi, E. Yanagihara, P. Laugier, E.J. Feleppa A Quantiatative Ultrasound-Based Method and Device for Reliably Guiding Pathologists to Metastatic Regions of Dissected Lymph Nodes. ISBI 2012, 1064-1067, 2012. M.M. Forbes, W.D.O'Brien, Jr. Development of a Theoretical Model Describing Sonoporation Activity of Cells Exposed to Ultrasound in the Presence of Contrast Agents. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131, 2723-2729, 2012. M. Gauthier, D.A. King, W.D.O'Brien, Jr. Influence of Microbubble Size Distribution on Postexcitation Thesholds for Single Ultrasound Contrast Agent using Double Passive Cavitation Detection. 2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 417-420, 2012. G. Ghoshal, R.J. Lavarello, J.P. Kemmerer, R.J. Miller, M. Oelze. Ex Vivo Study of Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters in Fatty Rabbit Livers. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., 38, 2238-2248, 2012. G. Ghoshal, S. Swat, M. Oelze. Synergistic Effects of Ultrasound-Activated Microbubbles and Doxorubicin on Short-Term Survival of Mouse Mammary Tumor Cells. Ultrasonic Imaging, 34, 15-22, 2012. G. Ghoshal and M. Oelze. Time Domain Attenuation Estimation Method from Ultrasonic Backscattered Signals. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132, 533-543, 2012. G. Ghoshal, J.P. Kemmerer, M.L. Oelze. Changes in Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters during HIFU Application. AIP Conf. Proc., 1481, 106-111, 2012. C. A. Johnson, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. The Angiogenic Response is Dependent on Ultrasound Contrast Agent Concentration. Vascular Cell, 4, 2012. J.P. Kemmerer, G. Ghoshal, M.L. Oelze. Quantitative Ultrasound Assessment of Thermal Damage in Excised Liver. AIP Conf. Proc., 1481, 169-174, 2012. J.P. Kemmerer and M.L. Oelze. Ultrasonic Assessment of Thermal Therapy in Rat Liver. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., 38, 2130-2137, 2012.
THESIS. King, Daniel A. Collapse of Ultrasound Contrast Agent Microbubbles. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012. M.W. Kroll, R.M. Fish, D. Lakkireddy, R.M. Luceri, and D. Panescu. Defibrillation Success Rates for Electrically-induced Fibrillation: Hair of the Dog. EMBC, 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 689-693, 2012. M.W. Kroll, R.M. Fish, D. Lakkireddy, R.M. Luceri, and D. Panescu. Essentials of Low-power Electrocution: Established and Speculated Mechanisms. EMBC, 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 5734-5740, 2012. R. Lavarello, M. Oelze. Quantitative Ultrasound Estimates from Populations of Scatterers with Continuous Size Distributions: Effects of the Size Estimator Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 59:9, 2012.
THESIS. Lee, Matthew B. Ultrasound and Fluorescent Evaluation of Biomarker Activated Nanoparticles for Chemotherapeutic Breast Cancer Delivery. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012. S.M. Leithem, R.J. Lavarello, W. D. O'Brien, Jr.,M.L. Oelze. Estimating Concentration of Ultrasound Contrast Agents with Backscatter Coefficients: Experimental and Theoretical Aspects. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131, 2295-2305, 2012. A. C. Luchies, G. Ghoshal, W. D. O'Brien Jr., M. L Oelze. Quantitative Ultrasonic Characterization of Diffuse Scatterers in the Presence of Structures that Produce Coherent Echoes. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 59, 893-904, 2012. J. Mamou, E. Saegusa-Beecroft, A. Coron, M.L. Oelze, T. Yamaguchi, M. Hata, J. Machi, E. Yanagihara, P. Laugier, E.J. Feleppa. Lymph Explorer: A New GUI using 3D High-Frequency Quantitative Ultrasound Methods to Guide Pathologists Towards Metastatic Regions in Human Lymph Nodes. 2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 7-10 October, 2340-2343, 2012. J. Mamou, E. Saegusa-Beecroft, A. Coron, M.L. Oelze, T. Yamaguchi, J. Machi, M. Hata, E. Yanagihara, P. Laugier, E.J. Feleppo. Three-Dimensional Quantitative Ultrasound to Guide Pathologists Towards Metastatic Foci in Lymph Nodes. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, San Diego, CA USA, 28 August-1 September 2012, 1114-1117, 2012. K. Nam, I.M. Rosado-Mendez, L.A. Wirtzfeld, G. Ghoshal, A.D. Pawlicki, E.L. Madsen, R.J. Lavarello, M.L. Oelze, , J.A. Zagzebski, W.D. O'Brien, Jr., T.J. Hall. Comparison of Ultrasound Attenuation and Backscatter Estimates in Layered Tissue-Mimicking Phantoms among Three Clinical Scanners. Ultrasonic Imaging, 34(4), 209-221, 2012. K. Nam, I.M. Rosado-Mendez, L.A. Wirtzfeld, V., Kumar, E.L. Madsen, G. Ghoshal, A.D. Pawlicki, M.L. Oelze, R.J. Lavarello, T.A. Bigelow, J.A. Zagzebski, W.D. O'Brien, Jr., T.J. Hall. Cross-imaging System Comparison of Backscatter Coefficient Estimates from a Tissue-mimicking Material. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(3), 1319-1324, 2012. W.D. O'Brien, Jr.. Quantitative Ultrasound from Single Cells to Biophantoms to Tumors. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, San Diego, CA USA, 28 August-1 September 2012, 1118-1120, 2012. M.L. Oelze. Quantitative Ultrasound Techniques and Improvements to Diagnostic Ultrasonic Imaging. 2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 7-10 October, 232-239, 2012. D. Panizo, R. Lavarello, G. Ghoshal, M. Oelze. Accuracy of Backscatter Coefficient Estimation Using Highly Focused Transducers. 2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 7-10 October, 2344-2347, 2012. B.W. Smith, D.G. Simpson, W. D. O'Brien, Jr., R.J. Miller, J.P.Blue, A. Haak, J.W. Erdman. Contrast Ultrasound Imaging of the Aorta Alters Vascular Morphology and Circulating von Willebrand Factor in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 31, 711-720, 2012. J.S. Ullom, Michael L. Oelze, Jose R. Sanchez. Speckle Reduction for Ultrasonic Imaging Using Frequency Compounding and Despeckling Filters along with Coded Excitation and Pulse Compression. Advanced in Acoustics and Vibration, 2012, 1-16, 2012. Y. Yang and D. G Simpson. Conditional decomposition diagnostics for regression analysis of zero-inflated and left-censored data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 21(4), 393-408, 2012. 2011 E. Belassiano, R. Miller, E. Hartman, W. D. O'Brien, Jr., F. Buiochi and E. T. Costa. The Role of Ultrasound Operation Mode for Safely Interfering in the Heart Rate. Proceedings of the Pan American Health Care Exchanges Meeting, PAHCE 2011, 254-259, 2011. T. A. Bigelow, Y. Labyed,B. L. McFarlin, E. Sen-Gupta and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Comparison of Algorithms for Estimating Ultrasound Attenuation When Predicting Cervical Remodeling in a Rat Model. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 883-886, 2011.
THESIS. Buiochi, Elaine Belassiano. Study of the Interaction of Ultrasound with Cardiac Tissue. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2011. A. J. Dapore, M. R. King, J. Harter, S. Sarwate, M. L. Oelze, J. A. Zagzebski, M. N. Do, T. J. Hall and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Impedance Maps. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 30, 1206-1213, 2011. R. M. Fish. High-Voltage Electrical Shock Without Injury. Eplasty, 11, 2011. M. M. Forbes, R. L. Steinberg, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Frequency-Dependent Evaluation of the Role of Definity in Producing Sonoporation of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 30, 61-69, 2011. G. Ghoshal, A. C. Luchies, J. P. Blue and M. L. Oelze. Temperature Dependent Ultrasonic Characterization of Biological Media. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130, 2203-2211, 2011.
THESIS. Han, Aiguo. Ultrasonic Backscatter Coefficient Quantitative Estimates from Chinese Hamster Ovary and BALB/3T3 Cell Pellet Phantoms. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. A. Han, R. Abuhabsah, J. P. Blue, Jr., S. Sarwate and W. D. O'Brien, Jr.Ultrasonic Backscatter Coefficient Quantitative Estimates from High-concentration Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Pellet Biophantoms. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130, 4139-4147, 2011.
THESIS. Johnson, Chenara A. Examining of the Biophysics of Ultrasound and Ultrasound Contrast Agent Induced Angiogenesis. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. C. A. Johnson, R. J. Miller and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Ultrasound Contrast Agents Affect the Angiogenic Response. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 30, 933-941, 2011.
THESIS. Kemmerer, Jeremy P. Quantitative Ultrasound Assessment of Thermal Therapy in Liver. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. D. A. King and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Comparison Between Maximum Radial Expansion of Ultrasound Contrast Agents and Experimental Postexcitation Signal Results. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129, 114-121, 2011. Y. Labyed, T. A. Bigelow. A theoretical comparison of attenuation measurement techniques from backscattered ultrasound echoes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129, 2316-2324, 2011. Y. Labyed, T. A. Bigelow, B. L. McFarlin. Estimate of the Attenuation Coefficient Using a Clinical Array Transducer for the Detection of Cervial Ripening in Human Pregnancy. Ultrasonics, 51, 34-39, 2011. R. Lavarello and M. Oelze. Quantitative Ultrasound Estimates From Populations of Scatterers with Continuous Size Distributions. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 58, 744-749, 2011. R. Lavarello, G. Ghoshal and M. L. Oelze. On the Estimation of Backscatter Coefficients Using Single-Element Focused Transducers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129, 2903-2911, 2011.
THESIS. Leithem, Scott M. Estimating the Concentration of Ultrasound Contrast Agents Using Ultrasonic Backscatter in Vitro. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. THESIS. Luchies, Adam C. Quantitative Ultrasonic Characterization of Diffuse Scatterers in the Presence of Structures that Produce Coherent Echoes. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. J. Mamou, A. Coron, M. L. Oelze, E. Saegusa-Beecroft, M. Hata, P. Lee, J. Machi, E. Yanagihara, P. Laugier and E. J. Feleppa. Three-Dimensional High-Frequency Backscatter and Envelope Quantification of Cancerous Human Lymph Nodes. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 37, 345-357, 2011. K. Nam, I. M. Rosado-Mendez, L. A. Wirtzfeld, A. D. Pawlicki, V. Kumar, E. L. Madsen, G. Ghoshal, R. J. Lavarello, M. L. Oelze, T, A. Bigelow, J. A. Zagzebski, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. and T. J. Hall. Ultrasonic Attenuation and Backscatter Coefficient Estimates of Rodent-Tumor-Mimicking Structures: Comparison of Results among Clinical Scanners. In ultrasonic Imaging, 33, 233-250, 2011. W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Thermal and Other Non-Cavitational Mechanisms. In Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, ed. by V. Frenkel, pp. 7-38, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2011. Contact Dr. O'Brien to discuss equation errors.
THESIS. Pawlicki, Alexander D. Three-Dimensional Impedance Map Analysis of Biological Tissue to Elucidate Small-Scale Acoustic Scattering Behavior. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. A. D. Pawlicki, A. J. Dapore, S. Sarwate and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Three-Dimensional Impedance Map Analysis of Rabbit Liver. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130, EL334-EL338, 2011. R.W. Schoonover, R. Lavarello, M. L. Oelze and P. S. Carney. Observation of Generalized Wolf Shifts in Short Pulse Spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 98, 251107-1 - 251107-3, 2011.
THESIS. Umeki, Robyn T. Applying Synthetic Aperture, Coded Excitation, and Tissue Harmonic Imaging Techniques to Allow Ultrasound Imaging with a Virtual Source. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. 2010 J. J. Anderson, M.-T. Herd, M. R. King, A. Haak, Z. T. Hafez, J. Song, M. L. Oelze, E. L. Madsen, J. A. Zagzebski, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. and T. J. Hall. Interlaboratory Comparison of Backscatter Coefficient Estimates for Tissue-Mimicking Phantoms. Ultrasonic Imaging, 32, 48-64, 2010. THESIS. Dapore, Alexander J. Three-Dimensional Acoustic Impedance Map Analysis of Soft Tissue. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. G. Ghoshal and M. L. Oelze. Improved Scatterer Property Estimates from Ultrasound Backscatter Using Gate-Edge Correction and a Pseudo-Welch Technique. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 57, 2828-2832, 2010.
THESIS. Haak, Alexander. Evaluation of the Accuracy and Precision of Ultrasound Attenuation Slope Estimates. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. THESIS. He, Zhi. Semiparametric Inference. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. C. A. Johnson, S. Sarwate, R. J. Miller and William D. O'Brien, Jr. A Temporal Study of Ultrasound Contrast Agent-Induced Changes in Capillary Density. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 29, 1267-1275, 2010. J. Kemmerer, G. Ghoshal and M. L. Oelze. Quantitative Ultrasound Assessment of HIFU Induced Lesions in Rodent Liver. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1396-1399, 2010. J. Kemmerer, S. Chang and M. L. Oelze. A New Approach for Detecting Attenuation Changes During High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1404-1407, 2010. D. A. King, M. J. Malloy, A. C. Roberts, A. Haak, C. C. Yoder and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Determination of Postexcitation Thresholds for Single Ultrasound Contrast Agent Microbubbles Using Double Passive Cavitation Detection. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127, 3449-3455, 2010. M. R. King, J. J. Anderson, M.-T. Herd, D. Ma, A. Haak, L. A. Wirtzfeld, E. L. Madsen, J.A. Zagzebski, M. L. Oelze, T. J. Hall and William D. O'Brien, Jr. Ultrasonic Backscatter Coefficients for Weakly Scattering, Agar Spheres in Agar Phantoms. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128, 903-908, 2010. R. J. Lavarello and M. L. Oelze. Scattering by an Arrangement of Eccentric Cylinders Embedded on a Coated Cylinder with Applications to Tomographic Density Imaging (L). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127, 645-648, 2010. R. Lavarello and M. Oelze. Density Imaging Using a Multiple-Frequency DBIM Approach. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 57, 2471-2479, 2010. R. J. Lavarello and M. L. Oelze. Assessment of the Effects of Scatterer Size Distributions on Effective Scatterer Diameter Estimates. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 732-735, 2010. R. J. Lavarello, S. D. Bond and M.L. Oelze. Regularized Tomographic Density Imaging Using Multiple Frequency Information. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2336-2339, 2010.
THESIS. Linden, Paul M. Small Lesion Detection with Resolution Enhancement Compression: A method of Coded Excitation/Pulse Compression. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. P. Linden, J. R. Sanchez and M. L. Oelze. Small Lesion Detection with Resolution Enhancement Compression. Ultrasonic Imaging, 32, 16-32, 2010. A. Luchies, G. Ghoshal, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. and M.L. Oelze. Reducing the Effects of Specular Scatterers on QUS Imaging Using the Generalized Spectrum. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 728-731, 2010. J. Mamou, A. Coron, M. L. Oelze, E. Saegusa-Beecroft, M. Hata, J. Machi, E. Yanagihara, P. Laugier and E. J. Feleppa. Three-Dimentional High-Frequency Spectral and Envelope Quantification of Excised Human Lymph Nodes. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 604-607, 2010. B. L. McFarlin, T. A. Bigelow, Y. Labyed, W. D. O'Brien, Jr., M. L. Oelze. Ultrasonic Attenuation Estimation of the Pregnant Cervix: A Preliminary Report. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 36, 218-225, 2010.
THESIS. Orescanin, Marko. Complex Shear Modulus Reconstruction Using Ultrasound Shear-Wave Imaging. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. THESIS. Sanchez, Jose Rafel. Improving Ultrasonic Imaging Using Novel Coded Excitation Techniques. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. J.R. Sanchez and M. Oelze. A Spatially Varying Pulse Compression Filter for Coded Excitation Signals. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 371-374, 2010. J. R. Sanchez, M. Orescanin and M. Oelze. Improving Image Contrast Using Coded Excitation for Ultrasonic Imaging. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, 325-330, 2010. M. D. Santin, D. A. King, J. Foiret, A. Haak, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. and S. L. Bridal. Encapsulated Contrast Microbubble Radial Oscillation Associated with Postexcitation Pressure Peaks. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127, 1156-1164, 2010. B. W. Smith, J. Strakova, J. L. King, J. W. Erdman, Jr. and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Validated Sandwich ELISA for the Quantification of von Willebrand Factor in Rabbit Plasma. Biomarker Insights, 5, 119-127, 2010. M. Teisseire, A. Han, R. Abuhabsah, J. P. Blue, Jr., S. Sarwate and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Ultrasonic Backscatter Coefficient Quantitative Estimates from Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Pellet Biophantoms. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128, 3175-3180. J. S. Ullom, M.Oelze and J.R. Sanchez. Ultrasound Speckle Reduction using Coded Excitation, Frequency Compounding, and Post-processing Despeckling Filters. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2291-2294, 2010. Y. Yang and D. G. Simpson. Unified Computational Methods for Regression Analysis of Zero-Inflated and Bound-Inflated Data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 1525-1534, 2010. Y. Yang and D. G. Simpson. Conditional Decomposition Diagnostics for Regression Analysis of Zero-Inflated and Left-Censored Data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, online, 2010. L. A. Wirtzfeld, G. Ghoshal, Z. T. Hafez, K. Nam, Y. Labyed, J. J. Anderson, M. - T. Herd, A. Haak, Z. He, R. J. Miller, S. Sarwate, D. G. Simpson, J. A. Zagzebski, T. A. Bigelow, M. L. Oelze, T. J. Hall, W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Cross-Imaging Platform Comparison of Ultrasonic Backscatter Coefficient Measurements of Live Rat Tumors. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 29, 1117-1123, 2010. M. G. Wismer and W. D. O'Brien, Jr. Evaluation of the Vibrational Modes of the Human Skull as it Relates to Bone-conducted Sound. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128, 2792-2797, 2010.
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